The firelords command
The firelords command

If you get the essence you need to trade it to the NPC from step 1 for the Forlorn Vanquisher gauntlet token. Now you need to get either Manoplas do Subjugador Solitário from Magmaw in Blackwind Descent (DO NOT OPEN IT) or Essência do Melancólico from Al'Akir in Throne of the Four Winds. They also have a low chance to drop from a boss in Baradin Hold but don't waste your time there, just buy them for 6 gold.Ģ. These are the normal blue color of the gloves.

the firelords command

Buy Luvas do Senhor do Fogo from Lumis Nicolaci in Stormwind or Rugok in Orgrimmar. So, to get these gloves for transmog do the following.ġ. Buying the item requires the standard Perneiras do Senhor do Fogo.Ĭomentado por SargerasWasRightThe heroic version of these gloves were an immense pain in the ass for me to get since they don't drop from any boss and instructions (I use the term lightly) online were quite confusing at first as someone new to the game who never did these old instances as current content. The token can be bought with Essência do Melancólico. Token: Perneiras do Subjugador Solitário. Buying the item requires the standard Luvas do Senhor do Fogo. Buying the item requires the standard Vestes do Senhor do Fogo. Halfus Quebra-serpe ( Bastião do Crepúsculo)

the firelords command the firelords command

Token: Omoplatas do Subjugador Solitário. Here's what I think is the complete overview for this transmog set. Comentado por UnderwriterI like having a table to quickly see which items I'm missing and where I might get it.

The firelords command